As of October 9, 2024
Father Jim is slowly getting back into liturgical life on a VERY limited basis. He is feeling much better these days. Periodically he’ll experience some discomfort, but is really doing well. He is filled with gratitude for God and the parish community.
As of October 7, 2024
On October 7th, Fr. Jim had his second procedure, which was not has severe as the last one. After the surgery his sister picked him up and sat him at her table for a late lunch and then he helped her in the garden for a while, soaking up the vitamin D. He is relieved that this surgery wasn’t the same as last time. He is grateful for the continued prayers.
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32032 W. Lindero Canyon Road, Westlake Village, Ca 91361
(818) 889-1279
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Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Sunday 8am-12pm
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Wednesday 8am-9pm
Sunday 8am-1:30pm; 4pm-5pm